1Castro Colonies Heritage Association Casino Night Sponsorship Agreement ________________________________________ Company Name Agrees to sponsor the following for Castro Colonies Heritage Association Benefit: President - $1000 Empresarios - $500 Trail Blazer - $350 Homesteader - $250 Contribution amount: __________________ Company Contact: Name (Please Print) _________________________ Title: _________________________________________________ Phone: ________________ e-mail: ___________________________ Signature: ______________________________________________ Names of persons that will be using dinner/casino tickets if known at this time: 1) ________________________ 4) ___________________________ 2) ________________________ 5) ___________________________ 3) ________________________ 6) ___________________________ Please make payments to Castro Colonies Heritage Association (CCHA) and mail this agreement to the address below by March 14, 2025 to get recognition in advertisements. Thank You! CCHA Casino Night P.O. Box 636 Castroville, Texas 78009